University and Industry Partners

The long term objective of the research of U of T Solar Fuels Cluster is to function as a hub for a global network of solar fuels scientists, engineers and industry partners. The network we have built encompasses nationally and internationally renowned scientists, engineers and economists, working in fields that include:

  1. Photochemistry and photoelectrochemistry of nanoscale inorganic materials directed towards the generation of solar fuels;
  2. Design of solar fuel materials tailored to catalyze specific reactions by combining high-performance computation with precise synthetic chemistry;
  3. Development of theory, models and algorithms for the solution of fundamental and practical problems in the area of solar fuels process development, assessment and production; and
  4. Environmental economics and emissions trading aspects of climate change and renewable energy.

The U of T Solar Fuels Cluster will deepen collaborations with national and international industry partners, the ultimate goal being to facilitate the transition of laboratory-scale solar fuels experiments to a prototype pilot demonstration unit that will be instrumental for the development of an efficient and scalable technology to provide future generations with sustainable solar chemicals fuels using CO2 as feed stock.

As the collaboration with Industry Partners progresses, the U of T Solar Fuels Cluster and our Industrial Partners will also need to communicate to politicians and governments the viability of this CO2-to-fuel conversion strategy and to persuade them to adopt it as a goal. At the same time, the public should be informed and educated that this strategy is a viable economic and environmental solution to reduce greenhouse gases.

Solar Fuels From The Sun

Not Fossil Fuels From The Earth